Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They report directly to Parliament and are independent and impartial. They inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
Parent View gives you the chance to tell us what you think about our school, which is valuable in helping us to continually develop and improve. Ofsted also use this as key information when they come to inspect schools. You have the opportunity to give your views through a simple set of questions based around 12 aspects of our school. Click here to give your views.
Our last inspection, April 2022
As a school we were last inspected in April 2022 and a copy of the report can be found below. We were incredibly proud of our report, so we would like to take the time to draw your attention to some of the wonderful things the inspectors said about our school.
First of all, they were very complimentary about our wonderful children. They commented on how polite and well behaved they were, how supportive they were of each other, and how welcoming they were to others. The inspectors could see how proud the children are of their work, and commented on their excellent writing. They could see how much pupils at Cann Hall really enjoy school.
The report acknowledges how hard teachers have worked to apply training, so that children have consistent approaches to teaching and assessment through the school. They commented on the access children have to a full and rich curriculum, which alongside opportunities for children to revisit learning regularly, ensures that pupils learn more and remember more over time. The inspectors were very impressed with the teaching of reading throughout the school, including the teaching of phonics. Whilst they felt the quality of books for children was good as they are learning to read, we all agreed that more books for older pupils would enhance the children’s love of reading. We have been successful in gaining some funding from our Academy Trust, and have been gleefully purchasing lots of new books for the children to enjoy.
The inspectors were very impressed throughout the inspection, but did highlight that the attendance of some pupils was far too low. We have since implemented a new attendance policy that came into effect at Easter 2022, and have developed a strong strategy to improve attendance for all pupils, so that we maximise children’s access to a great education.
Following the additional challenges that the pandemic presented, we are so incredibly proud of the staff at Cann Hall, who have continued to develop and make improvements so that we can provide the very best education for our children. This report really celebrates everything we work so hard to have in place here at Cann Hall, so we hope that you enjoy reading the report as much as we have.