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Cann Hall Primary School’s uniform is one of the outward signs by which the local community recognises and makes judgements about our pupils. It is important for the school that the way children present themselves is positive and acceptable and creates the impression of a disciplined and well-ordered establishment.

It is expected that all children will come to Cann Hall Primary School every day in neat, clean uniform, giving a message that we take pride in belonging to the school community. The support of parents in ensuring this is an expectation both in terms of day to day dress and in other requirements for Physical Education & Sport. 

Our uniform approach seeks to

  • Promotes a sense of pride in the school
  • Is practical, smart and affordable
  • Identifies pupils of the school and engenders a sense of community and belonging
  • Promotes equality amongst the students in terms of appearance

Uniform Requirements:

  • Red gingham dresses
  • School grey skirts/trousers/pinafore dresses of appropriate length, no leggings
  • Red polo shirt
  • Navy sweat shirts/cardigans (no hoodies)
  • White socks/grey tights
  • School grey or black trousers (short or long)
  • Red polo shirts
  • Navy sweat shirts
  • Black/grey socks
  • No 'skins' to be worn underneath school uniform


We ask that all children wear sensible black shoes, boots or black trainers. Any other trainers, baseball boots and light-weight canvas shoes of any colour are unacceptable, along with sandals. Wellington Boots may be worn in wet weather, but please ensure that your child has another pair of shoes to change into on arrival at school.

Physical Education & Sports:

To be worn to school on PE days with a school jumper or cardigan.

  1. Plimsolls, (preferably with elastic fronts rather than laces for infant children)
  2. Plain red T-shirt, logo T-shirts available at the office
  3. Black shorts- no leggings
  4. Black plimsolls (indoor); lightweight trainers (optional for outdoors in wet weather)
  5. Grey/black ‘fleecy’ tracksuit for colder weather

Children are not permitted (in line with Health & Safety guidelines) to wear earrings for PE and these have to be removed by the child.

Pre-Loved Uniform and Uniform Grants

The Cann Hall Primary School PTA sell pre-loved uniform and subsidised uniform can be bought from the smartypantsschoolwear website for families entitled to Pupil premium Grants.

School Trips:

Depending on the nature of school trips, some uniform requirements may be altered or waived. A school sweatshirt or cardigan will normally be worn.

Other requirements:

Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back so that loose strands do not get in the way of children’s learning. Make up and nail varnish are not allowed. Extreme hairstyles/dyed hair are not permitted either. Single stud earrings may be worn but must be removed for PE.

Plain baseball type hats are encouraged to be worn during hot weather.

It is not essential that uniform has the school logo on it, although we would encourage parents to purchase the sweatshirts/cardigans with the logo on.

ALL UNIFORM SHOULD BE NAMED for easy identification.

If there are particular special educational or physical needs, or recognised religious requirements which require an adaptation to uniform, these need to be discussed with the SENCO, who will present the case the  Head Teacher. No adaptations can be made without agreement of the Head teacher.